Events Calendar
The Co-Op of PRT Presents American La Ronde
A simple silver bracelet travels through the lives of ten bold and desperate lovers, giving us a glimpse of the intrigue and heartache left in its wake. American La Ronde is a provocative and fully contemporary re-imagining of Schnitzler’s notorious play Reigen, also known as its French translation, La Ronde. Sexy, literate, emotional, and highly theatrical.
May 19th - June 18th
Fri, Sat @ 8pm
Sun @ 3pm
($15 Suggested Donation)
The Co-Op of PRT Presents American La...
Date and Time
Friday May 19, 2023 Sunday Jun 18, 2023
DATES May 19th - June 18th Fri, Sat @ 8pm, Sun @ 3pm ($15 Suggested Donation)
Click Here For Tickets